UN Charter – UNECE

OMB Mediterranean Basin Observatory – is a “Joint Center of Excellence” of UNECE, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe operating at POLIS University with a focus on sustainability and resilience issues in the areas of housing, planning, and urban development. For more details see the agreement between POLIS University with UNECE (click here). The Center of Excellence is focused on Sustainable and Resilient Settlements 

The Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing was endorsed by UNECE in 2015. The Centres of Excellence support implementation of the Charter through capacity building, advisory services, studies, awareness-raising, knowledge-sharing, and actual projects. These all aim to improve city quality of life and provide affordable, energy-efficient housing for all. Areas of common interest established during the previous CoE meeting include citizen engagement, particularly among young adults with special reference to impact of COVID-19 on youth, SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. Other issues include local recovery from COVID-19 in terms of digitalization, impact on municipal budgets, investment in recovery and job creation. We also want to consider bringing together youth researchers – graduates and undergraduates – on topics related to the work of CoEs, SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.

The Centre of Excellence on Sustainable and Resilient Settlements in Tirana, Albania.
The Centre of Excellence on Sustainable and Resilient Development in Tirana, Albania focuses on resilient and sustainable settlements, good territorial governance and leads symposiums, training, workshops and seminars.

[vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z_Fp_kBfQ4″]
[vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykgwPLocB_E”]

Events organized in 2021
* October 2021: Tirana Design Week 2021 / see here
* October 2021:
Workshop “Emergent Urbanism”/ see here
* October 2021: Workshop “Resilient cities” / see here

Events planned and organized in 2022
* February 2022: A Joint international PhD workshop, between Polis University in Tirana and Università di Ferrara. see here
* March 2022:
1st Co-Design Workshop – in the framework  of the Horizon 2020 Project ‘WBC-RRI.net Embedding Responsible Research and Innovation in Western Balkan Countries’. by Co-PLAN, Ministry of Finance and Economy/ see here
* April 2022:
2nd Co-Design Workshop – in the framework  of the Horizon 2020 Project ‘WBC-RRI.net Embedding Responsible Research and Innovation in Western Balkan Countries’. by Co-PLAN, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Regional Agency for the Protected Areas, Kune Vain/ see here
* 25 May 2022:
Coordination meeting: Horizon Europe Project: GREENFORCE – fostering research excellence for green transition in Western Balkans. by Co-PLAN, Polis University, POLITO (Italy), UB-GEF (Serbia), CEA (Northern Macedonia). Nordregio (Sweden)/ see here.
* 26 – 27 May 2022: Annual Workshop of the Western Balkans Network on Territorial Governance. by by Co-PLAN, Polis University, POLITO (Italy), UB-GEF (Serbia), CEA (Northern Macedonia). Nordregio (Sweden)/ see here.
* September 2022 (to take place):
Tirana Architecture Week 2022/ see here
* September 2022 (to take place):
Workshop “Geographies of Regional Tourism: Durrës-Tirana”/ see here.